Events and Webinars

Virtual event

Unleash the Power of Your 3D Measurements  

Learn the benefits of retaining your 3D measurement data during this 60-minute virtual and interactive launch event on PolyWorks® 2024. Gain valuable insights into the new features as our experts guide you through enhancements designed to boost your workflow and productivity.

April 30, 2024
Virtual event

Unleash the Power of Your 3D Measurements  

Learn the benefits of retaining your 3D measurement data during this 60-minute virtual and interactive launch event on PolyWorks® 2024. Gain valuable insights into the new features as our experts guide you through enhancements designed to boost your workflow and productivity.

May 7, 2024
Virtual event

Unleash the Power of Your 3D Measurements  

Learn the benefits of retaining your 3D measurement data during this 60-minute virtual and interactive launch event on PolyWorks® 2024. Gain valuable insights into the new features as our experts guide you through enhancements designed to boost your workflow and productivity. 

May 8, 2024
Virtual event

Unleash the Power of Your 3D Measurements  

Learn the benefits of retaining your 3D measurement data during this 60-minute virtual and interactive launch event on PolyWorks® 2024. Gain valuable insights into the new features as our experts guide you through enhancements designed to boost your workflow and productivity.

May 14, 2024
In person event

Exhibitor:  PolyWorks Europa Italia
Booth: B31

Naples, Italy
May 23, 2024 - May 25, 2024
In person event

Exhibitor: PolyWorks Europa
Booth: C44, Hall 3

Bilbao, Spain
June 3, 2024 - June 7, 2024
Akce s osobní účastí

Připojte se k nám, proberte s námi vaše 3D měřicí procesy a zjistěte, jak může PolyWorks® pomoci vám a vašemu týmu v lepší spolupráci a efektivitě při využívání metrologických dat. 

Bratislava, Slovensko
June 13, 2024
In person event

Exhibitor:  PolyWorks Europa Italia
Booth: To be confirmed

Milan, Italy
October 9, 2024 - October 12, 2024
In person event

Exhibitor: PolyWorks Europa France 
Booth: K45

Grenoble, France
November 19, 2024 - November 21, 2024
Recorded webinar

Inspecting a part in PolyWorks|Inspector™ with the support of a CAD model is not always an option. While using CAD models is a very efficient way of getting the nominal geometry required for performing an alignment, obtaining measurement deviations, and driving measurement guidance, when they are not available you can perform part inspection just as well. 

Recorded webinar

Whether you need to get a complete coverage of your part while scanning, or simply reach measurements that are beyond the range of your device, combining data from multiple part/device setups is a common task for metrologists. PolyWorks|Inspector™ offers a complete set of tools to efficiently and accurately combine data acquired from multiple device positions.

Recorded webinar

Creating CNC CMM sequences for projects containing a large number of measurement objects is typically a long process, involving repetitive tasks such as defining tool orientations, avoiding collisions, and finding the optimal object measurement order. PolyWorks|Inspector™ now offers an interactive sequence creation mode that assists users throughout the process.